4 Things I Did That inadvertently Led Me To My Purpose In Life

What the hell is a “Purpose” anyway?

Clare - This Is Still Me♥️
4 min readJul 27, 2022

Finding your “purpose” is something that I see a lot online.

A few years ago, seeing this constantly come up in my social media feeds left me feeling worthless.

I didn’t have a purpose, I was a woman in my 30s and I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, the constant reminder that I didn’t have a “purpose” made me feel like a total and utter failure.

I would find myself looking at others, wondering how the hell they found theirs, some were mothers, saying their purpose was to raise their children, some had their own business and then there was me, why didn’t I have a purpose? A reason to exist?

The problem I had, was that I had too much going on in my head. I had so many unresolved issues that I had been avoiding dealing with, that I had no capacity to think about what I wanted from life.

I’m not even sure what a “purpose” is, but for me, it’s something I look forward to getting up for each day, it’s something just for me and that of course, is writing.

I can’t tell you what your purpose is, but I can tell you the things I did that helped me to realise mine.


I truly believe everyone can benefit from therapy sessions. It’s important to get the right therapist though and that can only be done by trial and error.



Clare - This Is Still Me♥️

Join me as I conquer my 40s with humor and honesty. From Marriage to Step-Parenting, Perimenopause to freelancing – I'm spilling it all.