Balancing Act: The Honest Reality of Work-Life Balance in My First Year of Copywriting

Clare - This Is Still Me♥️
4 min readDec 7, 2023

As you may have seen in my recent post, my copywriting business recently turned one, so this is the perfect time to share how that first year has gone, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

If you’ve followed along, you might have caught wind of my journey starting Clare H Writes. I certainly didn’t start 2022 thinking I would be leaving the world of banking and finance behind, but once I made that decision, there was no going back, and I often wonder why I hadn’t done it sooner.

I hit the ground running by helping some people I knew with web copy and social media posts for their businesses. I was eager to learn and would spend endless hours honing my skills. Whether it was scouting for tips from fellow writers on various websites or binge-listening to podcasts, I soaked up every bit of wisdom I could find.

I didn’t even have a chance to set any business goals or have any expectations; I was just happy to be doing something I love every day.

I got my first client, who gave me consistent regular work and still does to this day. I was initially anxious. What if I made a horrific mistake in their web copy? Or worse, what if I misspelled something? Imposter syndrome hit me like a ton of bricks. It wasn’t just my ego on the line; it was my reputation, my business. One wrong move could’ve flipped the whole script, and not in a good way.



Clare - This Is Still Me♥️

Join me as I conquer my 40s with humor and honesty. From Marriage to Step-Parenting, Perimenopause to freelancing – I'm spilling it all.