From Peri-Rage to Meno-Rescue: Discovering Light at the End of the Tunnel

Clare - This Is Still Me♥️
4 min readMar 26, 2024


Hello lovelies,

This week’s blog post is generously sprinkled with colourful language. So, if you’re not into that, skip ahead for the silver lining. Trust me. It’s worth it.

The rest of you, buckle up.

The cause of this is a number of things: the upside-downness of my hormones, yet another friend being told she is not perimenopausal despite her hormone levels showing otherwise, and the icing on the cake was a recently published article on menopause in a…



Clare - This Is Still Me♥️

Join me as I conquer my 40s with humor and honesty. From Marriage to Step-Parenting, Perimenopause to freelancing – I'm spilling it all.