Hormonal Whiplash: An Unexpected Bump in the Road

Clare - This Is Still Me♥️
5 min readMar 5, 2024

Hello lovelies,

I admit I struggled this week when it came to writing a post.

I have a content plan, and I make notes all the time or start writing snippets, but this week, when it was time to put those notes and words all together, I found myself stumbling over them.

And it’s not just the writing I’ve been struggling with. For a few weeks, my mood has been up and down like a yo-yo.

My mojo seems to have gone AWOL again. It’s like an errant cat that leaves through the cat flap one day, and you start to wonder if it will ever come back, and then a few days later, it re-appears and behaves as if it had never left. You’re so excited about its return that you forget about the pain and anguish it caused by leaving. But when you go to bed that night, there is always that nagging thought, “Will it still be there tomorrow?”

That’s how I feel about my good mood.

When we had those gale-force winds recently, I decided against going for my morning walk. I spent the day fed up and tired. I realised just how much that hour in the mornings improved my mood and mindset, and I just wanted it back, to feel like myself again. I didn’t feel sad or angry. I’ll just felt flat.

I was also clumsy, banging my head, spilling things, walking into things and generally being a Clutz, which made me cry more out of frustration. Why was I like this? Is it because of where I am in my cycle? Something I had…



Clare - This Is Still Me♥️

Join me as I conquer my 40s with humor and honesty. From Marriage to Step-Parenting, Perimenopause to freelancing – I'm spilling it all.