Spring: A Time For A Fresh Start and Remembering Our Purpose In Life
Spring is my favourite time of year.
The flowers are starting to bloom, the weather is warming up, and the evenings are getting lighter. It feels magical and exciting like it’s time to shake off the sluggishness of winter and wake up.
Recently, I’ve been feeling a bit lost in my writing, business, and personal life. After taking a short break from this blog to focus on my business, I realised that I missed this little space I had created for myself in the world, where I could fully express myself.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to find direction, but everywhere I turn, there’s conflicting information. It’s hard to know what to believe these days. As I lay in bed on the first Friday morning of March, I started to think about all of the things I wanted to achieve and wondered how to sift through the tangle of information out there. Then it hit me: The purpose of this blog was always to share my journey and help others going through similar experiences.
I want to get rid of all the clutter and make getting older a less confusing and frustrating, more enjoyable experience. I want to be myself and not feel like “I can’t.” So, I’m going back to sharing my experiences, highs and lows, manic laughter and mood swings, what works and what doesn’t, and any useful resources I find along the way.